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We are always pleased to share our knowledge and experience with you. Please click on any of the boxes below to find out more.

Subscribe to Fair Work updates
Did you know that you can subscribe to free updates from the Fair Work Ombudsman website, to ensure you stay connected with changes to...

Time and Wage Records
Did you know that it is a requirement for employer's to keep time and wages records, including timesheets, for 7 years? Time and wages...

Did you know that an employee who is terminated during probation can still make a claim with Fair Work? Many of my clients consider the...

Did you know that best practice is to provide your employees at least 4 weeks’ notice of any shutdown period? So, if you are closing your...

Did you know that even if an employee resigns from their employment, they may still be able to make a claim with the Fair Work Commission...

Compassionate / Bereavement Leave
Did you know that Compassionate / Bereavement Leave should not be deducted from an employee's Personal Leave (or other leave)...

Public Holiday Exchange
Did you know that many Awards allow for an Employer and an Employee to agree to exchange a gazetted public holiday for another day? Using...

Adverse Action
Did you know that a candidate who you reject, or whose employment offer you withdraw could make a claim for Adverse Action? Any...

Casual Employment Information Statement
Did you know that all employers are required to provide their casual employees with the Casual Employment Information Statement, which...

Did you know that counter-offers rarely work? When an employee resigns, there is a reason. According to SEEK, 41% of employees resign due...

Family and Domestic Violence Leave
Did you know that all employees (including part-time and casuals) are entitled to 5 days' unpaid Family and Domestic Violence Leave in...

Changes to Enterprise Agreements
Did you know that the Secure Jobs, Better Pay amendments to the Fair Work Act will change aspects of bargaining for Enterprise...
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